Courses 2024
Data Analysis with Python (advanced)
Workshop in cooperation with PIER Education Platform.
- Dates & times: Fridays 18. and 25. October, 1. and 8. November 2024 from 9.00-11.00am
- Location: blended learning and online tutorials
- Trainer: Dr. Maurice Maurer
Info & registration: via indico - Content: Before the live sessions begin, participants are expected to complete the four self-learning modules listed above. These modules are provided as online videos and should be watched in advance.
- Self-learning modules
- Introduction, Virtual Environments, Jupyter, Notebook extensions, Python Fundamentals
- Syntax, PEP8, Keyboard Shortcuts, First examples in Numpy and Matplotlib
- Advanced Numpy, File IO, Pandas, ChatGPT
- Advanced Matplotlib, Plotting options, Inset Plots, Contour Plots, Interactive Plots
- Live Tutorial Sessions:
- Discussion of the self-learning modules
- GIT, String Formatting, Video Creation, Notebook structure
- Interpolation, Fitting, Complex Fitting, Filtering, Data analysis example
- Creating Files, Generators, Parallelization, Sympy, Integration of Plots to Overleaf
Career Orientation for PhDs (8 sessions)
Workshop in cooperation with PIER Education Platform.
- Dates & times: This seminar consists of 8 sessions, including mentoring in pairs and individual career coaching on the following Tuesdays (24 September - 13 December 2024):
- 1) 24 September: 2:00-6:00 p.m. (Career Orientation session 1 of 8)
- 2) 1 October: 3:30-6:00 p.m. (Career Orientation session 2 of 8)
- 3) 15 October: 3:30-6:00 p.m. (Career Orientation session 3 of 8)
- 4) 22 October 3:30-6:00 p.m. (Career Orientation session 4 of 8)
- 5) Online: Career Orientation session 5 of 8: Mentoring in pairs (online, to be set with participants 24 October – 8 November)
- 6) Online: 19 November: 3:30-6:00 p.m (Career Orientation session 6 of 8)
- 7) 26 November: 3:30-6:00 p.m. (Career Orientation session 7 of 8)
- 8) Online: Career Orientation session 8 of 8: individual coaching (online, to be set with participants between 28 November - 13 December)
- Location: in presence and online
- Trainer: Liz Moulin
- Info & registration: via indico
How to tame your supervisor
- Date & Time: Montag, den 29. Juli 2024 von 14:00 – 16:00 Uhr
- Location: HARBOR Seminarraum (Geb. 610, Erdgeschoss), Luruper Chaussee 149
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Elspeth Garman - Info & registration: until 15th July via this link.
- Content: Have you ever wondered “how to tame your supervisor”? Prof. Elspeth Garman from University of Oxford will give suggestions for strategies how to successfully communicate with your supervisor in form of a discussion and Q&A session.
Python for Data Analysis
Workshop in cooperation with PIER Education Platform.
- Dates & Times: May 2 & 3, 2024; 9am-5pm
- Location: online
- Trainer: Bernd Klein (bodenseo)
- Info & registration: via indico
- Content: here
- Participation requirements: Programming experience with Python.
How to Apply Sucessfully
Workshop in cooperation with PIER Education Platform.
- Dates & Times: April 19, 2024; 9am-12pm
- Location: online
- Trainer: Claudia v. Schultzendorff
- Info & registration: via indico
- Content: In this talk, Claudia von Schultzendorff provides tools for successful written applications and job interviews. She will talk about current demands, content and structure of applications and common interview questions:
- Which job suits me: my strengths
- Where do I find jobs
- Differences in applying for jobs within or outside academia
- How to present myself digitally
- What does an application look like: current requirements
- Cover letter: structure and content
- CV/resume: different layouts
- 3rd page (in Germany): what does it mean?
- Documents: what is important
- Job interview (online or face-to-face): structure and typical questions
Basics of Business Administration
- Dates & Times: 08.04., 10.04. & 17.04.2024, each day from 9.00am-12.00pm
- Location: online
- Trainer: Dr. Alexander Egeling
- Info & registration: please send e-mail to cesar.cabrera"AT"
- Content: The workshop provides a compact and practical introduction to the basics of business administration for those who have not studied it. In addition to the explanation of typical economic thinking and theories, this primarily concerns insights into the areas of corporate management, organization, controlling and marketing. In this workshop, knowledge is imparted that is needed after a job change to the business world in order to be able to understand and classify the processes in companies. At the same time, however, this is also increasingly relevant for scientific activities, especially in the area of third-party funded projects and science management; for the preparation of one's own self-employment it is essential. Trying out and practicing what has been learned also focuses on areas that can already be used in your current professional phase.
- The following topics will be covered:
- Business administration in a nutshell: Which theories should you know and what do you need to keep in mind when working in a market-oriented environment?
- Internal management: How are processes within companies organized, implemented and con-trolled? What does corporate management, controlling and marketing involve?
- Organisation, controlling, marketing: How can I use business knowledge in the future? And which insights can help me right now?
Scientific Writing: Turning the blank page into a manuscript
Workshop in cooperation with PIER Education Platform.
- Content: In this course, you will be introduced to the process of writing a scientific paper. In order to deepen and apply this knowledge, you will also actually produce a manuscript based on your research data (and one that might serve as the foundation for a journal submission).
- Info & registration: via indico
- Trainer: Dr. Carsten Rohr
- Location: Bldg. 61, room 116a, Luruper Chausseee 149
- Dates & Times: March 25 & 26, 2024; 9am-4pm
- A-Z of scientific writing:
- Developing a clear main message
- Priority setting in the writing process
- Structure and logical flow of the text
- Create meaningful graphics
- Memorable introduction and abstract
- Do's and Don'ts of AI Tools in writing
- How to develop a daily writing routine
- Efficient communication with co-authors
- Given that this is a hands-on seminar, you need some (analyzed) data that can serve as the foundation for a journal article. Please also bring some scientific texts written by you (e.g. Bachelor or Master thesis, as well as any published or upcoming papers) to the seminar.
Performance and Appearance Training (advanced)
- Dates & Times: March 6&7, 2024, 9am-3:30pm
- Location: CFEL, seminar room Wolfgang Pauli (O1.109)
- Inhalt: Tailormade training for the intensive and sustainable development of your own appearance and public presentation. With video training.
- Trainers: Dr. Matthias Mayer, Michaela Benn (Young Scientists' Academy)
- Info & registration:"AT"
Tell me about it - Explaining Science in Podcasts and Conversations
Workshop in cooperation with PIER Education Platform.
- Dates & Times: March 4 & 5, 2024, 9am-5pm; March 7, 2024: about 2 hours for recording session
- Location: Bldg. 61, room 116a, Luruper Chaussee 149
- Trainer: Michael Büker
- Info & registration: via indico
- Content: March 4 and 5: Participants will learn methods to explain their research clearly in a self-explained podcast episode. This would also include a hands-on podcast software tutorial using the powerful free audio editing software Audacity, used by podcasters and producers worldwide.
- March 7: Participants will create and launch their own podcasts using state-of-the-art equipment in an interview/conversation type setting. Each participant would only have to spend ~2 hours for their individual recording session.
- Please submit an abstract on your topic to be selected for this workshop. This could be your research topic, or a more general topic in your field.
Good Start at Python for Scientists
- Dates & times: January 22 & January 23, 2024, 9am-12pm
- Location: Institute for Quantum Physics, bldg. 69, seminar room
- Trainer: Benoît Richard (Center for Free-Electron Laser Science)
- Info & registration: cesar.cabrera"AT"
Essentials of Git
- Dates & times: January 18, 2024, 2pm-5pm
- Location: Institute for Quantum Physics, bldg. 69, seminar room
- Trainer: Benoît Richard (Center for Free-Electron Laser Science)
- Info & registration: cesar.cabrera"AT"
Scientific Computing in Julia
- Dates & times: January 15 & January 16, 2024, 9am-12pm
- Location: Institute for Quantum Physics, bldg. 69, seminar room
- Trainer: Benoît Richard (Center for Free-Electron Laser Science)
- Info & registration: cesar.cabrera"AT"