CUI employs researchers from many different nations. This cultural diversity is seen in the cluster as an enrichment for all members. But of course, guest researchers and new cluster members who join us from abroad face specific challenges in which we want to provide them with the best possible support. The following formats and offers could be interesting for our international members:
- Diversity Days of the University of Hamburg (in German)
- PIASTA: PIASTA promotes internationalisation and intercultural exchange at the University of Hamburg under the motto: "Intercultural discovery, interdisciplinary learning, informed study!
Welcome Service for international researchers
General information and support when arriving in Hamburg is provided by the Welcome Service for international researchers of the University of Hamburg. This Service is meant for international guest researchers, who are in Hamburg just for a short time period, as well as for international researchers, who are permanent residents in Hamburg. This includes doctoral candidates.
After an initial registration at the Welcome Service, you will be assisted concerning issues such as finding a suitable health insurance, searching an accommodation or finding a suitable place in a kindergarten.
Career Service
In addition to the Welcome Service of the University of Hamburg, our Career Service in supporting international researchers with any questions you may have. If there are questions concerning employment, visas and the cluster infrastructure, our Career Service will assist you. But also in case of problems that go beyond that, contact can be made with the Career Service.
Welcome Service of DESY
In some cases, contact can also be made with DESY Welcome Service.