Mental Health
The pandemic is undoubtedly putting a strain on everybody’s mental health. Which is why it is more important than ever to proactively talk about the topic of mental health and create awareness that it is not something shameful but rather the essential basis for everyone's wellbeing and productivity. Therfore we are currently implementing the topic in a lot of our programmes such as "Academic Leadership for Women" or "International Arrival at UHH" in the year 2021.
Furthermore we offered three topical webinars in which participants had the chance to develop cognitive strategies, work and lifestyle habits that will improve their psychological wellbeing and eventually their productivity during the pandemic. The courses were conducted in March and October 2021 by Desiree Dickerson, PhD.
If you need further advice or recources feel free to reach out to Diversity officer Eileen Schwanold: eileen.schwanold"AT"