Facts and Figures
January 1, 2019
Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments
Funding period:
Seven years
University of Hamburg
Participating Institutions:
Helmholtz-Zentrum Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY), European XFEL GmbH (XFEL), Max-Planck-Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD)
- Prof. Dr. Francesca Calegari, Universität Hamburg, DESY
- Prof. Dr. Henry Chapman, Universität Hamburg, DESY
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Sengstock, Universität Hamburg
Lead scientists:
- 25 Principal investigators
- 16 Young investigators
- 25 Associate scientists
- 3 International partners
Research Areas:
- Designing dynamical emergence in quantum matter
- Capturing emergent chemistry
- Exploring emergence in heterogeneous systems
Education & Opportunity:
Graduate school, school co-operations (Light & Schools, Molecules & Schools), diversity and equal opportunity programs (Mildred Dresselhaus Guest Professorship Program, dynaMENT Mentoring Program)