Courses 2022
A Good Start at Python for Scientists
- Dates and Times: December 5 & December 6, 2022, 1pm-5pm
- Location: HARBOR (bldg. 610), main seminar room
- Lecturer: Benoît Richard (Center for Free-Electron Laser Science)
Workshop on Git/ GitHub
- Dates and Times: November 14, 2022, 1pm-5pm
- Location: CFEL, SR IV (01.111)
- Lecturer: Benoît Richard (Center for Free-Electron Laser Science)
Interview training – how to talk to a search commission (advanced)
- Dates and Times: October/ November 2022
- Location: HARBOR seminar room, ground floor
- Content: Discussion and general tips on general procedure, selection critera etc., practice sessions
- Trainers: Prof. Dr. Arwen Pearson, Prof. Dr. Henning Moritz (Universität Hamburg)
- Info & registration: please contact the trainers for individual time slots
Creating comprehensible scientific figures
Workshop in cooperation with PIER Education Platform
- Dates & times: September 9, 2022, 9:00am – 5:00pm
- Location: Seminar room BAH2, building 3, Campus Bahrenfeld
- Lecturer: Dr. Carsten Rohr
- Info & registration: via indico
- In presentations and publications scientific figures are the main means of conveying your research data and convincing the audience of your findings. For this task your figures need to be comprehensible and as self-explanatory as possible. Achieving this level of understandability is not an easy task given the complex research findings different interpretation possibilities. The workshop “Creating comprehensible scientific figures” with Dr. Carsten Rohr will help you to…
- Develop a clear figure message
- Make the message visible in the graphic
- Create self-explanatory figures instead of just showing data
- Increase the message to noise ratio of a figure
- Tackle color choice, color consistency and appearance
- Choose the best representation format for the data
- Test the figures with the other participants for comprehensibility
Communication and Persuasion (advanced)
- Dates and Times: May 11-13, 2022, 9am – 1pm
- Location: Science Campus Bahrenfeld, CFEL (bldg. 99), SR IV
- Trainer: Dr. Jean-luc Doumont (principiae, Belgium)
- Content:
- Fundamentals of communication, “three laws of communication” and basic audience analysis
- Personal versus organizational power, persuasion styles, and influences, role-play real-life situations and detailed feedback from participants and instructor
- discussions using examples relevant to the participants
Advanced Python: Analysis and Visualization of Scientific Data
Workshop in cooperation with PIER Education Platform.
- Dates & times: April 6/13/20/27, May 4, 2022, 9am - 12.30pm
- Location: online
- Lecturer: Dr. Alexander Britz
- Info & registration: via indico
- Brief revision of Python Syntax and Jupyter notebooks, first data analysis and visualization with Numpy and Matplotlib. Discussion of participants’ projects.
- Treating larger data sets with Numpy and Pandas.
- Visualization of data with Matplotlib, version control with git.
- Fitting and filtering of data, virtual environments.
- Brief introduction to parallelization, symbolic calculations
Science Communication III: Science Slam
Workshop in cooperation with PIER Education Platform.
- Dates & times: Apr 20, 2022, 2:00 – 5:00 PM; This workshop will extend over two sessions; The dates are not finalized yet
- Location: online
- Lecturer: Theresa Schredelseker
- Info & registration: via indico
- Content: An introduction to public speaking, captivating your audience and the special aspects of the science slam format.
Leadership in Academia – Leadership Competences for Challenging Tasks (advanced)
- Dates and Times: Friday, April 8 & Friday, April 22, 2022, 9am – 1pm
- Location: online
- Trainer: Dr. Armin Pircher (University of Amsterdam)
- Content: in this training, participants reflect on their personal attitudes and values regarding their own role as a leader and are also familiarized with evidence-based concepts and methods for successful leadership. In exchange with the other participants, the application of these approaches and methods will be tested and reconciled with critical challenges from professional practice.
Science Communication I: Blogging
Workshop in cooperation with PIER Education Platform.
- Dates & times: Jan 24, 2022, 1:30 PM until Jan 25, 2022, 12:30 PM
- Location: online
- Lecturer: Michael Büker and Theresa Schredelseker
- Info & registration: via indico
- Content: This workshop will help you structure your thoughts into well-readable text, choose pictures with appropriate licenses, make use of social media in spreading a blogpost, and you will get a chance to publish your own text to show the world - with editing help from your workshop host, and online hosting provided to you.