Courses 2021
SFB/AIM lecture: Electronics: Experimental techniques in the photon sciences
Workshop coorganized by SFB925 and CUI Graduate School
- Dates and times: Fr. 10-12, 22./29.10., 12./19./26./11.,3./10.12.2021,
- Location: Harbour seminar room and Zoom (hybrid)
- Lecturer: Henning Moritz, Markus Drescher, Sebastian Trippel
- Lecture slides: Download from wolke Password protected
- Contents:
Date lecturer topic 22.10 Moritz Regulation loops
29.10 Moritz Regulation loops ctd., Operation amplifiers 12.11 Moritz Opamps, camera types 19.11 Drescher High frequency electronics 26.11. Trippel Field Programmable Gate arrays 3.12. Drescher High frequency electronics / High voltage techniques 10.12. Drescher High Voltages at high frequencies
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
Course coorganized by PIER Education Platform and CUI Graduate School
- Dates and times: December 6-8, 2021, 9:30-17:30
- Location: online
- Lecturer: Bernd Klein (BODENSEO)
- Info & registration: via Indico
- Prerequisite for the participation in this course is the previous successful participation in the above Python basics course or equivalent Python skills
Python Basics
Course coorganized by PIER Education Platform and CUI Graduate School
- Dates and times: October 25-26, 2021, 9:30-17:30
- Location: online
- Lecturer: Bernd Klein (BODENSEO)
- Info & registration: via Indico
Communication & conflict management
Workshop coorganized by PIER Education Platform and CUI Graduate School
- Dates and times: October 21-22, 2021, 9:00-13:00
- Location: Zoom videoconference
- Lecturer: Alexander Britz
- Info & registration: via Indico
Project management for PhD students
Workshop coorganized by PIER Education Platform and CUI Graduate School
- Dates and Times: October 8, 2021, 9am-4:30pm
- Location: Zoom videoconference
- Lecturer: Monica Schofield
- Registration and further information: via Indico
Workshop on Scientific Writing
- Dates and Times:
September 6, 2021, 9am-12am and 2pm-5pm
September 7, 2021, 9am-12am and 2pm-5pm - Location: Centre for Optical Quantum Technologies (ZOQ), Seminar Room
- Lecturer: Andreas Trabesinger (, graphics module by Neil Smith (
- Content: The course covers the following topics: Overview of the publication process; Structure of a manuscript; Techniques and tools for publication writing; Insight into the editorial process; Text construction, language, style, with a focus on non-native speakers; Basic elements of graphics
- Participant input: Each participant is asked to provide, until August 30 (preferably by secure cloud service, or alternatively by e-mail directly to, a manuscript to be inspected by the lecturer and discussed during the second day of the workshop in group coaching sessions (of 2-3 participants and the coach). It would be ideal to work on active writing projects, for example: manuscripts to be submitted to journals, abstracts, chapters of PhD theses, drafts for an outreach article or blog entry, etc. The texts will be treated strictly confidentially, but participants consent to their potential use as examples during this workshop.
- Equipment: It is highly recommended that each participant bring, if possible, their own laptop or tablet to work on.
Maximal number of participants: 16
Corona virus related safety measures: Participants are required to wear a medical/FFP2 mask and keep a minimum distance of 1.5m at all times during the workshop. Each participant is required to provide, upon entering the workshop on the first day, a certificate of either (a) full vaccination (older than 2 weeks) against, (b) recovery from, or (c) negative test (antigen/PCR not older than 48/72 hours) for COVID-19.
Workshop on How to Start Leaving Science
- Dates and Times:
July 8, 2021, 9am -11.30am / 2pm-5.30pm
July 9, 2021: 9am-11.15am (group session) / 2pm-6pm (individual coaching sessions) - Location: Zoom videoconference
- Content: This course is designed for scientists at postdoctoral level. If working in industry might be an option for you, for one reason or another, this workshop will give you, in English language, information and food for thought on how to prepare for leaving science. You will look at your career path, your visions and career alternatives. Information about formal and hidden requirements will help you understand the German working culture and application procedure. You will work in teams and individually, and have an individual coaching session.
- Lecturer: Matthias Merkelbach (impulsplus)
Workshop on Good Scientific Practice
- Dates and times: June 10-11, 2021, 9:00-12:30 am
- Location: Zoom videoconference
- Program/content: Poster with topics (PDF), Agenda summary (PDF)
- Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Christian Bressler (European XFEL) & Dr. Alexander Britz (
Intensive course on "Machine learning with Python"
- Dates and times: January 18-22, 2021, 9:00 am to 12:45 am.
- Location: Zoom videoconference.
- Program: List of topics (PDF).
- Lecturer: Dr. Rolf Köhler (Enable AI - Master your data).
Intensive course on "Topology in physics"
- Dates and times: January 11-15, 2021, 10:00-12:00 am.
- Location: Zoom videoconference.
- Program: List of topics (PDF).
- Lecturer: Dr. Thore Poßke (I. Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Hamburg).