Mini-Workshop of the CUI Task Force on Machine Learning
Friday, 26 April 2024, ZOQ seminar room:
- 10:30 Elena Vedmedenko: "Recent activities on characterization and processing of topological quasiparticles using machine learning"
- 10:55 Tim Matthies: "An Introduction to Contrastive Learning"
- 11:20 Anton Kettner: "Using Skyrmions for Computation"
- 11:45 Niklas Käming: "Identification of quantum phases with unsupervised machine learning"
- 12:10 General discussion
Further participants: Dieter Jaksch, Greta Resse, Zhengjun Wang, Christof Weitenberg
Current Courses
ICTP-Heraeus School and Conference
The joint ICTP-Heraeus School and Conference "Frontiers at the Intersection of Quantum Simulation and Machine Learning" will take place in Trieste, Italy, from 8 to 19 April 2024.
This event aims to discuss, where quantum challenges match the natural strengths of machine learning and, reversely, the quantum applications call for developing new machine learning techniques.
The list of topics and invited speakers can be found on the event's website.
Please register via the event's web page until 8 March 2024 (4 February 2024 when requesting financial and/or visa support).
Past Courses and Seminars
Machine Learning Seminar
A seminar organized by "CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter" about Machine Learning in the context of applied science.
Dates & Times: Starting on April 12, 2022
Location: Zoom
Registration required via Indico
- Friday, July 1 @ 11AM: Sascha Diefenbacher & Sebastian Bieringer - Generative Machine Learning Models for Fast Simulation in High Energy Physics
- Friday, June 10: Niklas Käming - Unsupervised machine learning of topological phase transitions from experimental data
- Friday, Mai 20: Lukas Broers - Vanishing Gradients in Variational Quantum Algorithms
- Friday, April 29: Tobias Quadfasel - Searching for new physics with normalizing flow-based unsupervised anomaly detection methods
- Wednesday, April 13: Dries Sels, New York U - Enhanced inference and sampling on current quantum computers
- Tuesday, April 12: Tim Matthies - Topological characterization of chiral magnetic textures using machine learning
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
A course coorganized by PIER Education Platform and CUI Graduate School
- Dates & times: Dec. 06, 2021, 9:30 AM – Dec. 08, 2021, 5:30 PM
- Location: online
- Lecturer: Bernd Klein of BONDENSEO
- Info & registration: via indico
Python basics
A course coorganized by PIER Education Platform and CUI Graduate School
- Dates & times: Oct. 25, 2021, 9:30 AM – Oct. 26, 2021, 5:30 PM
- Location: online
- Lecturer: Bernd Klein of BODENSEO
- Info & registration: via indico
Summer School: Machine Learning in Quantum Physics and Chemistry
The "Machine Learning in Quantum Physics and Chemistry" summer school will be held at the Biological and Chemical Research Centre of the University of Warsaw, Poland, from 24th August to 3rd September 2021. The school in a hybrid format will bring together PhD students and young researchers with an interest in combining machine learning methods with quantum sciences.
- Dates & times: Aug. 24, 2021 – Sept. 03, 2021
- Location: hybrid; Biological and Chemical Research Centre of the University of Warsaw, Poland