Machine Learning in Natural Sciences: From Quantum Physics to Nanoscience and Structural Biology
International Conference, 19 – 22 September 2022
Campus Bahrenfeld, Hamburg, Germany
List of Topics
Quantum Many-Body States
Quantum Phase Transitions
Nano and Material Science
Molecular Structure Analysis
Optimization and Control
Understanding Machine Learning
Infrastructures and Best Practices
Invited Speakers
Mohammed AlQuraishi (Columbia U)
Annabelle Bohrdt (U Harvard)
Marin Bukov (U Sofia)
Stefanie Czischek (U Waterloo)
Claudia Draxl (HU Berlin)
Pascal Friederich (KIT Karlsruhe)
Sebastian Goldt (SISSA Trieste)
Mario Krenn (MPL Erlangen)
Aaron Gilad Kusne (NIST Gaithersburg)
Florian Marquardt (MPL Erlangen)
Gorka Muñoz-Gil (U Innsbruck)
Evert van Nieuwenburg (U Copenhagen)
Andrea Thorn (U Hamburg)
Giacomo Torlai (AWS Pasadena)
Scientific Organizers
Alexandre Dauphin (ICFO Barcelona)
Niklas Käming (U Hamburg)
Christof Weitenberg (U Hamburg)
Conference Format and Program
- The conference is hosted by the Cluster of Excellence "CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter" and aims to bring different scientific communities that are exploring the new possibilities of machine learning together in order to connect and share experiences.
- See the figure below for the preliminary program. The program goes from Monday morning to Thursday noon. There will be poster sessions on Monday and Wednesday evening and a free evening on Tuesday for exploring the city.
- We are planning for an on-site event in order to enable the best exchange of all participants. Some talks will additionally be available online.
- The program consists of a mix of invited talks, contributed talks, and poster sessions with enough breaks for individual discussions.
- The number of participants is limited to 100.
- Registration Information:
The registration will proceed in two steps.
In the first step, participants register until July 10th 2022 via Indico. They are encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster or contributed talk and a short motivation. Contributed talks will be selected by the program committee by their quality and fitting into the program.
In the second step, after reception of acceptance emails end of July, the participants are asked to confirm their registration by paying the conference fee of 160 Euro, which also covers the catering during the conference. The fee is waived for members of Universität Hamburg.
Hotel costs have to be covered by the participants. Reservations in a near-by hotel (Mercure Hotel Hamburg am Volkspark) have been made.